Saturday, November 30, 2019

1st Sunday of Advent, 2019: A Voice Cries Out

A voice cries out:
In the wilderness, prepare the way of the LORD,
make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3

Sometimes the cry is that of a lone voice;
            sometimes, the voices of many swelling together as one.

The cry is one of pain and suffering, rising
            out of wrongs that are endured,
            out of burdens that are carried,
            out of blows that have been absorbed,
            out of resources that are depleted
            out of energies that have long since disappeared.

The cry is that of one stuck - caught between the proverbial rock and hard place - who seemingly has no options - who sees no way out.

The cry expresses powerless desperation, putting into words the fear
            of being overwhelmed,
            of being beat down,
            of being defeated.

Sometimes the cry is screamed in the face of wrong.
            Sometimes the cry is whispered in the silence of the night.
            Sometimes the cry gets stuck in the throat and won't come out.
            Sometimes the cry has been reduced to a silent scream.

But always, the cry calls out, longing for relief - escape - a way out.

But the voice is more than a cry.  It is a prayer -
            a calling out to One who hears,
            a pleading to One who responds,
            a trusting in One who delivers.

And as a prayer, it is the expression of hope.
            Hope - hope is more than a wishful longing, a desperate desire.  Hope is the quiet confidence, the settled assurance that God is at work - and that God's work will result in blessing and good.
            Hope - hope is a glance toward the future.  Hope is waiting for that which will be.  And hope is the strength to keep on keeping on.

Hope is a mark of the people of God -
            as they long for the good for which God is working,
            as they wait for that good from the hand of God,
            as they work with God to bring that good into being,
            as they endure until God's work is done.

The people of God, the followers of Jesus are a people of hope. 

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