Sunday, January 26, 2025

In a Nutshell - Part 3: The Hard Part of Loving Self

Which do you find to be more difficult—loving your neighbor or loving yourself?

“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37, 39).

In this teaching about which was the greatest commandment, Jesus linked love of God with love of neighbor, love of neighbor with love of self. These three expressions of love are interrelated and interdependent. Loving God with all of one’s being is foundational. It is what gives birth to the other two.

The way we love God is by loving our neighbor. The key to loving our neighbor is loving ourselves. We cannot really love our neighbor until the Spirit cultivates within us a healthy self-love. A captivating love for who God is and for God’s ways of grace is what frees us to love ourselves with a healthy self-love.

In linking love of neighbor with love of self, Jesus touched on a deep, often unrecognized, psychological reality: what is on the inside—in the heart—is reflected on the outside—in how we treat others, i.e., in our relationships. We project onto others—actually, we dump on them—the unrecognized, unresolved pain we carry deep within. This reality explains our natural propensity to criticize, judge, blame, attack, and ostracize others.

Think about when you are irritated, frustrated, or angry. How often does that anger get dumped onto those nearby? On those you love?

Hurting people hurt people. Hurting people—that’s us, all of us, every one of us.

Which brings us to our struggle to love ourselves. All of us, without exception, carry outside of our conscious awareness old, emotional issues that are laced with pain—old emotional wounds. These old issues—rooted in the experiences of our early, formative years when our sense of who we are was first being formed—are fueled by old messages. These old messages are all shame-based messages—messages that say we are inadequate and flawed, unlovable and unwanted, no good and less than, powerless and vulnerable to being hurt. (The messages are different for each of us but most of us can resonate with all of them.) These messages keep the emotional wounds unhealed and the pain alive.

These old messages and the shame they stir lie at the heart of our struggle to love ourselves. How can we love ourselves when we are so inadequate and flawed, when we are so unlovable and unwanted, when we are no good and less than everyone else? The shame we carry blocks our ability to love ourselves. It’s little wonder, then, that we struggle to love our neighbor. Our issues and pain cause us to view them as a competitor and as a threat. (That’s the story of Cain and Abel.)

Another factor contributing to our struggle to love ourselves is the merit-based, deserving-oriented thinking and functioning that we learned growing up. We have to measure up, we have to do it right, we have to be good enough before we deserve to be loved—by God or anyone else, much less ourselves.

In order to have a healthy self-love, these old emotional wounds have to be healed—recognized, addressed, and resolved. The power of these old shame-based messages has to be broken, replaced by spiritual truth taught by the Spirit. The pain they generate has to be soothed. The old, addictive patterns we use to run from the pain and drown out the old shame-inducing voices have to be set aside for healthier ways of living and relating. The inner turmoil and anxiety have to be displaced by peace—deep inner peace, the peace of Christ.

That’s where the love of God comes in. To love God with all of one’s being is to be captivated by a love for who God is—God’s character of steadfast, faithful love (Exodus 34:6-7), God’s nature of self-giving, servant love (1 John 4:8-10). It is to be possessed by an all-consuming love for the ways of God that flow out of God’s character—the ways of God (the ways of the Kingdom) that Jesus taught—the ways of grace and forgiveness.

As the Spirit reveals to us the character of God, giving us glimpses of the heart of God, and teaches us the ways of God that Jesus taught—the ways of the kingdom, God’s ways of grace begin to confront and displace the merit-based, deserving-oriented ways of thinking and functioning we were taught. The Spirit leads us to embrace God’s gift of grace, moving us beyond our merit-based, deserving-oriented way of thinking and functioning. The Spirit leads us to claim our identity as God’s beloved children—created in the divine image; called to be the followers of Jesus, learning and living his ways, growing in his likeness; indwelt by the Spirit who empowers us to do what we cannot do in our own strength and who gives us gifts to use in living God’s ways of grace. The Spirit guides our growth into Christlike maturity, freeing us to be who God created us to be (as opposed to who the world told us we were). Our experience of God’s forgiveness cleanses us of guilt and shame, breaking the power of our old shame-based messages. The Spirit leads us into the peace of Christ, displacing our inner turmoil and anxiety.

As we learn to love God with more and more of who we are—heart, mind, soul, strength—we begin to fall in love with who God created us to be—this one who is created in God’s image, who is called to be a follower of Jesus, growing in his likeness, who is indwelt and empowered by the Spirit who guides us in using our gifts in an area of passion as God’s partner in bringing the kingdom to reality on earth, here and now. We learn to love ourselves with a healthy self-love which, in turns, frees us to love our neighbor.

Loving God with a captivating love frees us to love ourselves with a healthy self-love. Loving ourselves with a healthy self-love frees us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We no longer dump our inner pain and turmoil on our neighbor because we have learned—through the Spirit—to access the peace of Christ when our old issues and their pain are triggered.

Love is indeed the greatest commandment—love of God, love of neighbor, love of self. Love is how we—through the power of the Spirit—live a life that is pleasing to God.

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